Prees Heath Common Reserve

Prees Heath Common Reserve


Former RAF Control Tower

When Butterfly Conservation purchased the site in 2006 the former RAF control tower was semi-derelict and the interior was in a squalid condition. In 2014, with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund and Natural England, the building was conserved using original materials as much as possible. The building was surveyed, and both an architect and a structural engineer were involved in drawing up plans. The main item requiring attention was the roof, which had begun to let in moisture, and a new asphalt roof was installed. The render was repaired and a secure door was fitted. The windows spaces were blocked save for gaps on the first floor, and these facilitate access for birds, bats and hibernating butterflies and moths. A series of 8 information panels about the geological, natural, military and social history of Prees Heath Common were installed on the exterior, as well as 6 swift boxes.

 For access to the interior of this historic building please contact Stephen Lewis, Volunteer Warden.